Help Sherry to Help Ourselves
The persecution of Sherry Chen, a loyal, naturalized American citizen, has entered its seventh year.
Wrongly accused of spying for China by our government, she won the dismissal of her criminal case. Fired by the U.S. Department of Commerce, she won her job back with a blockbuster decision, concluding her to be a victim of “gross injustice.” And yet she is still denied from returning to work as a hydrologist to save American lives and properties in the Ohio River Valley, for which she consistently received excellent ratings and awards. Sherry has been receiving interim relief. She can quietly wait for justice to be upheld. However, after carefully considering all the pros and cons, including the ordeal of revisiting the pains and sufferings in the last six years, she is fighting back. She is suing the government for malicious prosecution and false arrest, and compensation for her damage (Case 1:19-cv-00045-TSB, Chen v. The United States of America) caused by egregious misdeeds identified by the MSPB decision . This is a fight for her rights and dignity. This is also a fight for the many innocent Chinese Americans who are cast in the shadows of fear and suspicion, while being recklessly profiled and becoming collateral damage and convenient scapegoats in the name of national security. The United States is a nation ruled by law. When the authority is misused and abused, the government must be held accountable. The path travelled by Sherry Chen has been paved by tears and anguish. However, she was able to endure because of the many friends and supporters who have stood by her with love and passion. We appeal to all Americans to stand with Sherry Chen again in her continuing fight for justice and fairness. Please make a donation to today. A donation of $5 is not too small; a donation of $5,000 is not too much. Please visit for the full Sherry Chen story. For additional information, contact [email protected]. Help Sherry to Help Ourselves! All donations are considered gifts and are not tax-deductible. Donors should consult their own tax advisors regarding potential gift tax consequences. All contributions are final; the Fund is unable to process refunds. |
美国政府诬陷她是中国间谍,法院却撤销了对她提起的刑事起诉;商务部以类似的理由把她开除,法官却说她是“严重不公”行为的受害人,破天荒地责令商务部恢复她的工作。 然而,时至今日,美国商务部却依然拒绝她返回工作岗位,拒绝她施展在水文方面的才华保护俄亥俄河流域千千万万美国人民的生命和财产安全;在这个工作岗位上,她曾屡次获得嘉奖。 目前,在商务部上诉期间,陈霞芬暂时可以领取薪资。她暂时可以平静地等待正义的到来。但是,在仔细权衡所有的利弊,在回顾了过去六年间她所遭受的各种痛苦与折磨之后,她决定奋起反击。 今年1月18日,陈霞芬一纸诉状(案件编号:1:19-cv-00045-TSB;案件名称:陈霞芬诉美国政府案),告美国政府恶意起诉、错误拘捕,并要求政府赔偿由于“联邦考绩制度保护委员 会”(MSPB)法官判决书中指出的那些过分的政府行为所造成的伤害。 这是一场陈霞芬捍卫她自己的权利和尊严的抗争。这也是一场美国华人捍卫自己的权利和尊严的的抗争。有多少像陈霞芬一样无辜的同胞,被政府打着“国家安全”的幌子,笼罩在恐惧和怀疑的阴影下?有多少像陈霞芬一样无辜的同胞,被政府鲁莽地定向执法,成为政府行为附带牺牲品,成为政府不当行为的替罪羊? 美国是一个法治国家。当国家权力被不当使用、甚至滥用时,政府必须为此承担责任。 这六年一路走来,陈霞芬饱尝了泪水与痛苦。正是由于众多热心人的支持和爱护,才使她能承受这一切。 今天,我们号召所有支持陈霞芬的朋友,有钱出钱,有力出力,继续帮助陈霞芬,帮她打赢这场新的官司,为华人应有的公平正义和公民权利而共同抗争。捐款链接是。捐5元不嫌少,捐5000元也不嫌多。 要想了解陈霞芬事件的整个来龙去脉,请登录陈霞芬法律维权基金会官网。如果您需要了解其他信息,请联系[email protected]。 帮助陈霞芬,就是帮助我们自己! 所有捐款将被视为赠与,不能免税。如果您在馈赠税收方面有什么疑问,请咨询提供专业税务人士。所有捐款均不能撤销,本基金无法提供退款。 |
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